About Us

LandoByte provides professional consulting services and rapid development of web-application and systems. We pride ourselves on good system design, quality coding, punctual project delivery and provide our clients with custom systems that meets their exact needs. We also offer personal service and exceptional availability.

The Company

Our unique development methods mean that we can take a product from concept to prototype and on to production in a matter of days and weeks rather than months or years. We pride ourselves on making systems that are fast, reliable, expandable and user friendly.
What do we do?
LandoByte designs and develops high performance customised systems for our clients. Our products are server based and database

Technology Used

LandoByte develops all of their system backends in Erlang and uses a combination of HTML and Javascript for the management interfaces and system front-ends.

All LandoByte systems also uses MySQL as a database solution.

Erlang is a programming language that was designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory to solve the specific problem of high traffic and minimum downtime in the telecommunication industry. It is a general-purpose concurrent language that supports distributed, fault-tolerant, non-stop applications. It supports hot swapping, thus code can be changed without stopping a system. Erlang was originally a proprietary language within Ericsson, but was released as open source in 1998.

Most of code for the web-based interfaces is generated inside the Erlang backend to allow for dynamically changing systems. LandoByte also uses HTML 5, CSS and JQuery on these front-ends, which makes customization and look-and-feel updates extremely quick and easy. LandoByte also developed an in-house solution called the Code Generator, which enables the creation of quality systems in a much reduced timeframe.

Our Clients

The following companies have made use of our system development services.